Schedule » Previous Years » 2022-23 Fall

Limestone Community High School Bands

2022-23 Fall Schedule

June 2022
Wednesday 1
Marching Band Fee #1 due ($75)
Marching Band
Payment methods:
Place in drop-box in the band room.
Mail to to Limestone Band Boosters Treasurer, c/o Limestone Community High School, 4201 S Airport Rd., Bartonville, IL 61607
Pay via Charms. (Convenience fee may apply.)
July 2022
Friday 1
Marching Band Fee #2 due ($75)
Marching Band
Payment methods:
Take it to the school's Business Office.
Mail to to Limestone Band Boosters Treasurer, c/o Limestone Community High School, 4201 S Airport Rd., Bartonville, IL 61607
Pay via Charms. (Convenience fee may apply.)
Tuesday 12
Marching Band
9:00‑11:00 amWinds & Guard Rehearsal
6:00‑8:00 pmPercussion Rehearsal
Thursday 14
Marching Band
9:00‑11:00 amWinds & Guard Rehearsal
6:00‑8:00 pmPercussion Rehearsal
Tuesday 19
Marching Band
9:00‑11:00 amWinds & Guard Rehearsal
6:00‑8:00 pmPercussion Rehearsal
Thursday 21
Marching Band
9:00‑11:00 amWinds & Guard Rehearsal
6:00‑8:00 pmPercussion Rehearsal
Monday 25 - Friday 29
Pre-Band Camp
Marching Band
8:00 am‑12:00 pmWinds & Guard Rehearsal
1:00‑4:30 pmGuard (M, Tu, W only)
6:00‑9:00 pmPercussion Rehearsal
Saturday 30 - Sunday 31
Uniform Fittings
Marching Band
7/30 1:00‑3:00 pmSeniors
7/30 3:00‑5:00 pmJuniors
7/31 1:00‑3:00 pmSophomores
7/31 3:00‑5:00 pmFreshman
Band Room
If you cannot attend during your assigned time slot, please contact Danielle Harris at 309-338-6698 or Jill Jenke (309-573-7116), or email
August 2022
Monday 1
Marching Band Fee #3 due ($75)
Marching Band
Payment methods:
Take it to the school's Business Office.
Mail to to Limestone Band Boosters Treasurer, c/o Limestone Community High School, 4201 S Airport Rd., Bartonville, IL 61607
Pay via Charms. (Convenience fee may apply.)
Monday 1 - Friday 5
Band Camp
Marching Band
8:00 am‑12:00 pmRehearsal
12:00‑1:00 pmLunch (on your own)
1:00‑4:30 pmRehearsal
Thursday 4
Student Pool Party
Marching Band
6:00‑8:00 pmPool Party
Limestone Township Pool
Friday 5
Band Camp Cookout
Marching Band
6:00‑8:00 pmCookout
Reader Park
Hollis Park District
6731 South Hollis Road
Bartonville, IL 61607
Monday 8
Booster meeting
7:00 pmMeeting starts
LCHS Cafeteria
Tuesday 9
Marching Band
6:00‑9:00 pmRehearsal
Thursday 11
Marching Band
6:00‑8:00 pmRehearsal
Tuesday August 16 - Tuesday October 18
Tuesday Rehearsals
Marching Band
6:00‑9:00 pmRehearsal
Thursday August 18 - Thursday October 20
Thursday Color Guard Rehearsals
6:00‑8:00 pmRehearsal
Thursday August 18 - Thursday October 20
Thursday Percussion Rehearsals
6:00‑8:00 pmRehearsal
Friday 19
Blue & White Game
Marching Band
5:00 pmStudents arrive
5:15 pmWarm up
6:00 pmAnnouncement of Teams
6:25 pmPerformance (tentative)
Arrive early to see the performance, as timing of Blue & White night can be flexible.
Friday 26
Football Game
Marching Band
6:15 pmCall time
6:30 pmWarm-up
7:20 pmPregame (time approximate)
8:15 pmHalftime Show (time approximate)
versus Mt. Zion
Because we will not be in uniform, call time (6:15) is later than usual.
Monday 29
Food Night at Peacock's Pub
September 2022
Thursday 8
Run-through with Uniforms
Marching Band
5:15 pmFreshman hat fittings
5:45 pmAll others arrive; get into uniform
Saturday 10
Washington Competition
Marching Band
11:30 amGuard rehearsal (see note)
1:00 pmRehearsal at LCHS
2:00 pmLoad Trailers
2:30 pmLeave Limestone
3:00 pmWatch Bands, Eat, Restrooms
4:30 pmAwards, Part 1
5:15 pmGet into Uniform
6:18 pmWarm-up
7:08 pmLeave Warm-up
7:32 pmPerformance
7:45 pmGet out of Uniform
 Watch Bands
9:00 pmAwards, Part 2
9:45 pmLeave for Limestone
10:30 pmArrive at Limestone
Washington High School
115 Bondurant St.
Washington, IL 61571
Bring money for Dinner at the concession stands.
Guard: Bring everything you need for the day. Eat lunch prior to arrival or bring a sack lunch for the bus.
Monday 12
Booster meeting
7:00 pmMeeting starts
LCHS Cafeteria
Friday 16
Popcorn fundraiser due
Friday 16
Football Game
Marching Band
6:00 pmArrive at Limestone
7:30 pmPre-Game Fight Song (time approximate)
 Halftime Show (time is variable)
versus Dunlap
Saturday 17
Marching Band
9:00 am‑3:00 pmRehearsal
Lunch is on your own (11:30-12:30)
Monday 19
Food Night at LaGondola
Saturday 24
NIU Competition
Marching Band
11:00 amRehearsal
12:00 pmLoad trailers
 Lunch provided by the Boosters
1:00 pmLeave for NIU
3:30 pmArrive at NIU, Restrooms
4:00 pmGet into Uniform
4:45 pmWarm-up
5:15 pmLeave Warm-up
5:45 pmPerformance
 (Stay in endzone for awards)
6:15 pmWatch NIU perform
6:30 pmAwards
6:45 pmGet out of Uniform
7:00 pmWatch Bands, Eat
9:45 pmLeave for Limestone
12:00 amArrive at Limestone
Tuesday 27
Rehearsal with Jr. High
Marching Band
5:00 pmRehearsal with Jr. High
6:00‑8:00 pmShortened rehearsal
Wednesday 28
Homecoming Bonfire
Marching Band
8:00 pmArrive by 8:00 (or after Variety Show)
Wednesday 28
No evening rehearsals
Marching Band
Because of Homecoming events this week, the usual Thursday evening rehearsal is canceled.
Friday 30
Homecoming Parade
Marching Band
3:15 pmArrive
4:00 pmParade starts
The Boosters will feed the students between the parade and the game.
Friday 30
Football Game (Homecoming)
Marching Band
5:30‑7:00 pmBand Room Open House
6:30 pmWarm-up
versus Morton
(stay for the whole game)
October 2022
Saturday 1
Wreath fundraiser begins
Friday 7
Football Game
Marching Band
6:30 pmWarm-up
versus Metamora
Saturday 8
Metamora Competition
Marching Band
2:15 pmColor Guard Rehearsal
 (Hair & make-up after rehearsal)
3:15 pmRehearsal at LCHS
4:15 pmLoad Trailers
5:15 pmLeave Limestone
6:00 pmRestrooms, Dress
6:55 pmWarm-up
7:25 pmLeave Warm-up
7:45 pmPerformance
8:30 pmEat and Watch Bands
9:30 pmAwards
10:00 pmLeave for Limestone
10:45 pmArrive at Limestone
Metamora High School
101 W. Madison St.
Metamora, IL 61548
Saturday 15
Bands of America-St. Louis Super Regional
Marching Band
7:00 amArrival time
 Load Trailers
8:00 amLeave Limestone
11:00 amQuick Lunch (provided), Restrooms, Dress
12:00 pmWarm-up
12:50 pmLeave Warm-up
1:05 pmReport to Gate
1:15 pmPerformance
1:30 pmPictures, Back to buses, Get out of uniform
2:30 pmWatch Bands
3:30 pmAwards
4:00 pmDinner (offsite in Collinsville; $$)
6:00 pmGates open for Finals
6:30‑10:30 pmFinals Performances
11:00 pmLeave for Limestone
2:00 amArrive at Limestone
The Dome at America’s Center
701 Convention Plaza
St. Louis, MO 63101
See the competition website for clear bag policy and other venue policies.
Monday 17
Booster meeting Date Changed
7:00 pmMeeting starts
Date Changed
LCHS Cafeteria
Date moved (due to school not in session Oct. 10)
Tuesday 18
Popcorn delivery
4:00‑6:00 pmPickup before rehearsal
Friday 21
Football Game
Marching Band
6:30 pmWarm-up
versus Canton
Senior Night
Saturday 22
ISU Marching Band Championships
Marching Band
5:00 amDress & Load Buses
5:30 amLeave Limestone
6:30 amRestrooms and Unload
7:00 amLeave for Warm-up
7:14 amPhysical Warm-up
7:28 amMusical Warm-up
7:56 amLeave Warm-up
8:06 amArrive at Gate
8:16 amPerformance
8:30 amPictures, Back to buses, Get out of uniform
9:30 amBreakfast and Watch Bands
10:50 amAwards
11:10 amWatch Bands
7:00 pmLeave for Limestone
8:00 pmArrive at Limestone
Illinois State University
Hancock Stadium
If we make finals (announced at 10:50 am), we will meet at the buses and amend the plan.
Spectator tickets $15 (includes prelims and finals). Performer admission is free.
See the competition website for clear bag policy and other venue policies.
November 2022
Monday 7
Concert Band Auditions
6:00‑8:00 pmAuditions
Monday 14
Booster meeting
7:00 pmMeeting starts
LCHS Cafeteria
Tuesday 15
Step-up Night
December 2022
Friday 9 - Sunday 11
Madrigals Coat Check fundraiser
Friday 16
Pep Band
Pep Band A
6:30 pmPep Band